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Erin's Soapbox: Blue...Who Knew?   1 | 2 

Our wardrobe is flawless. It has a good balance between long and short sleeves, pants and shorts, a skirt for me and nicer pants for Keith. Everything color coordinates, so all tops match all bottoms, and we can go a week without doing laundry. We can go from the Amazon rainforest to the peaks of Bolivia with the same clothes.

Our wardrobe was perfect. At least it seemed perfect. Perfect that is until my friend Kim tells me that blue is the color that attracts mosquitos the most. (See Keith's article on all the diseases you can get from mosquitos to understand the full impact of this issue). Who knew mosquitoes weren't color blind? How could they be more advanced than your average dog? But besides that, why blue? I look good in blue and so does Keith. Blue was my "splash of color" to mix in with all the grey, khaki, and black. I have two blue shirts, a pair of shorts, and a hat that is blue. There is even blue on my shoes for cryin' out loud. Why couldn't it be orange or puce or some other color that I look crappy in. No, it had to be blue.

Well, with this little tidbit of information just came my way so I'm going to do something about it. I'm going to ignore it. I will trust in my industrial-strength insect repellent and count the days until we hit the mosquito free mountains in South America. Then, I'll go shopping in Buenos Aires.

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Last updated: 18 Sep 2001 22:34:44