As my JavaScript and frames-based UI got more and more complex, I continuously revisited the question of whether or not this approach was best for the future, as well as the present. Over time, I convinced myself that while the vast majority of users are on advanced browsers, mobile Internet access is coming more into fashion with each passing month, as Internet-capable PDAs and cellular phones fill the market. For these potential viewers, there were clearly going to be problems.

Most text-only devices today have support for neither JavaScript nor frames. While some do handle graphics, the bandwidth and quality is likely to be so poor, that users would almost certainly not want to use it for browsing photos of the English countryside. With all this in mind, it actually turned out to be quite easy to accommodate these users after all. I avoided the "middle ground" users - for example, those who could run JavaScript but had it turned off - and built the pages out a bit to support either fourth-generation browsers running JavaScript or text-only devices, with only the most primitive of HTML: no JavaScript, no frames, no forms, and no graphics. In other words, they could read my journal, but would not see any photos. A few <noscript> tags was all it would take to handle this, and a quick perl script could put them into each page of journal text so the title wasn't lost.

Finally, on the requirements front, there was the question of screen resolution. Some more research showed that fewer than 20% of Internet users are browsing at 640x480 resolutions or lower. 800x600 was becoming the norm now, and I felt much more comfortable with this amount of real estate. Text-only devices could be sort-of ignored here: with just text and no advanced layout capabilities, resolution doesn't play that big a factor. The only issue is how many "screenfulls" of information I gave on each page. I used a method called "chunking" to divide each day into subsets of text that were easy to read, and requiring little or no scrolling. I tried to minimize scrolling completely, but my extremely verbose style of writing would have yielded days with as many as 8-10 chunks - a bit much when there are already 17 days to go through. I also chose not to control font sizes precisely, since viewers with very high resolutions tend to get stiffed with unreadable text in these situations. (Even if I did choose a specific point size, I'd have a big division between my younger technical audience, which tends to like small print and dense pages, and the older members of my family, who use any excuse, including "it was too hard to read", to avoid getting onto the web.)


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Last updated: 12 Jan 2000 14:49:23